Product Name: Normal Foot
Product No: XC-326-1
Material: PVC
This model shows the anatomical structure and the distal end of tibia of normal foot
Product Name: Skin Section Model
Product No: XC-313-3
Material: PVC
This model shows layers of skin, first rudiments of hair, sweat gland, sense organs of skin. Connected with side hinges. On base.
Product Name: Stomach Model
Product No: XC-306
Material: PVC
With the longitudinal section, the model shows the structures of the gastric folds, pyloric valve, pyloric sphincter muscles, gastric mucosa and the transitional mucosa of the gastric-esophagus. Made of hard plastic and magnified 2 times of the natural size.
Product Name: Life-Size Heart Model
Product No: XC-307A
Material: PVC
This heart model shows the anatomy of human heart with ventricles, atriums, valves, veins, and the aorta in great anatomical detail. The front heart wall is removable to view the chambers and internal structure. Dissectible into 2 parts.